Package-level declarations


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open class BiMultiMap<K> : HashMap<K, V>
Extension of HashMap that provides two main features.
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A GeoJsonFeature has a geometry, bounding box, id and set of properties.
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A GeoJsonGeometryCollection geometry contains a number of GeoJson Geometry objects.
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open class GeoJsonLayer : Layer
A class that allows the developer to import GeoJSON data, style it and interact with the imported data.
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A GeoJsonLineString geometry represents a number of connected s.
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open class GeoJsonLineStringStyle : Style, GeoJsonStyle
A class that allows for GeoJsonLineString objects to be styled and for these styles to be translated into a PolylineOptions object.
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A GeoJsonMultiLineString geometry contains a number of GeoJsonLineStrings.
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A GeoJsonMultiPoint geometry contains a number of GeoJsonPoints.
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A GeoJsonMultiPolygon geometry contains a number of GeoJsonPolygons.
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open class GeoJsonParser
Parses a JSONObject and places data into their appropriate GeoJsonFeature objects.
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open class GeoJsonPoint : Point
A GeoJsonPoint geometry contains a single
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open class GeoJsonPointStyle : Style, GeoJsonStyle
A class that allows for GeoJsonPoint objects to be styled and for these styles to be translated into a MarkerOptions object.
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A GeoJsonPolygon geometry contains an array of arrays of
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open class GeoJsonPolygonStyle : Style, GeoJsonStyle
A class that allows for GeoJsonPolygon objects to be styled and for these styles to be translated into a PolygonOptions object.
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Renders GeoJsonFeature objects onto the GoogleMap as Marker, Polyline and Polygon objects.